index green-energy
  • Aerospace Solutions
  • Keep your eyes open wide Now is the time to explore the space age
  • Keep your eyes open wide
    Now is the time to explore the space age
마우스 스크롤
  • Aerospace Solutions
  • Green Energy Solutions
  • Digital Finance Solutions
  • Sustainable Innovative Solutions

Aerospace business leads the
new space age

Aerospace business leads the new space age

The Hanwha thirst for innovative horizons is expanding to space—a promising arena for exciting opportunities. Our efforts in developing technologies and accumulating expertise cover a range of areas, including developing technologies for space–launched vehicles, examining space for natural resources and energy, harnessing satellite–based communications capabilities and advancing Earth orbit observations and establishing urban air mobility (UAM) infrastructures. Hanwha's bold moves in exploring space will yield as–yet–undiscovered keys to resolving Earth’s multiplying puzzles and help us to achieve sustainability.

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